Note : This website is property of NEWGEN COMMERCE LLC, which is an authorized retailer for VIASAT. This website is a 3rd party website that provides local promotions of fiber, 5G and tv in your area. All trademarks used are only to identify the goods and services VIASAT offers, they all remain property of VIASAT. provides data for comparison of services and does not charge any fee. The internet, tv or streaming services or any goods are provided by VIASAT directly to consumers and the fee is also collected by VIASAT only. is funded in part by VIASAT.

Internet For Home, Entertainment & Work


12-25 MBPS
60 GB High-Speed Data
  • checkEmail and chat
  • checkWeb browsing
  • check1 Device
  • checkFree Professional Installation
Start From



150 GB High-Speed Data
  • checkEssential internet activities
  • checkLight streaming
  • check1 - 3 Device
  • checkFree Professional Installation
Start From




100-150 MBPS
300+ GB High-Speed Data
  • checkStreaming
  • checkWork or school from home
  • checkFamilies
  • checkFree Professional Installation
Start From


Enjoy Online Gaming, Surfing & Streaming Anywhere, Anytime.

Internet For Complete
Family Entertainment

Tips for Getting Home Internet Deals

  1. Find A Reliable Home Internet Provider The most important first step in finding a great home internet plan is to know which broadband carriers are available around you. We can help you compare the best one for you without the hassles of making several phone calls. Our representative will give you information on which home internet provider is available in your area along with their rates and deals.
  2. Compare Plans, Speed, & Pricing Be sure about your needs before searching for the internet service provider. Determine the level of your usage, whether you are a YouTuber uploading content, just a surfer who checks social media or emails, or a restless gamer who needs loads of bandwidth. If you know your usage, you will definitely get the right dealer with the right speeds.
  3. TV Package Solution Bundling is one of the easiest and quickest ways to get a good deal on one or more services. It can help you save up to 30% off of your total bill. If you bundle multiple services, you can easily merge your billing and, consequently, there will be fewer bills to look at. You can try this method to boost your higher tier channel packages and boost your internet speeds for the same economical price.
  4. Speed Is Not More Than Required It is not bad to get a little extra speed, in fact, it can help you a lot. Still, be sure to strengthen your level of internet usage. Getting speeds faster than required will simply cost you more each month, and it may go out of your budget.
  5. Be Aware Of The Type Of Internet Connection You’re Getting Generally, there are three to four types of internet setups, but you should know which one you are registering for.
    1. checkCable Internet
    2. checkDSL Internet
    3. checkFiber Internet
    4. checkSatellite Internet
  6. Ask About Extra Fees & Charges Along with getting your core internet solutions, there are other 3 options you may choose:
    1. checkInstallation
    2. checkWifi
    3. checkAdditional Speed Upgrades
  7. Concentrate On Streaming Capability Many content providers are being streamed online. Be sure you receive enough bandwidth to stream your preferred shows or movies. Of course, the more the devices are streamed from home, the faster the internet speeds will be supplied to all devices with tons of bandwidth.
  8. Ask About Auto Bill Pay Another method of receiving a high-speed internet deal is to ask about auto-bill pay. Auto bill pay helps you ensure the bill is paid on time. And for this, you can put a credit card on file with the home internet provider and they will proceed ahead. This automatic bill pay system can save you up to $10 each month. This can save you between $60 and $120 for the whole year.
  9. Do You Really Need To Buy Your Own Router? If you are knowledgeable enough to go out and purchase your own router, you can undoubtedly save between $10 and $15 each month on WiFi service. Getting your own router gives you additional power and suppleness that you may not get from a rented router that you can get from your ISP. The one drawback is that when you buy your own router or model, you are responsible for proper configuration and setup as well. is owned and operated by Newgen Commerce LLC. | Marketing Partner : AUBURN DIGITAL SOLUTIONS PVT LTD